In the first half of 2024, the State Building Control Bureau (SCCB) issued permits for a total power generation capacity of 842.1 MW. Six permits were granted for solar power plants (280.95 …
In the first six months of this year, the Register of Construction Specialists underwent a number of changes, the number of Building Information System (NIS) e-services was updated, and their…
Within one year of the introduction of the Energy Resource Information System (ERIS), it has seen a 73% increase in the number of annual reports on implemented energy efficiency improvement measures…
In 2023, 1315 administrative documents were filed in the Register of Building Managers maintained by the State Construction Control Bureau (SCCB), an increase of 3.7 times compared to 2022…
In the first half of this year, there was a significant year-on-year increase in the amount of documents prepared in the Register of Residential Building Managers and in the use of related online…
Last year, the State Construction Control Bureau (SCCB) continued the active fulfilment of its energy policy function, with particular attention aimed at providing education about energy efficiency…