Execution deadline in working days
Individual person
Public law legal person
Private law legal person
Receiving restrictions

The service shall ensure the possibility for the management authority - the construction initiator - to authorise natural persons for activities in the Construction Information System. The service is provided for registration of powers in the construction authority profile BIS2 of the Construction State Control Office. A legal person may authorise any - legal or natural person, including a construction specialist, a construction merchant using a secure e-signature. A natural person may authorise only a building specialist.
An authorisation issued by the management authority with rights of supervision may be possible for the performance of the following activities:
1. Viewing the dataset;
2. Requesting technical regulations;
3. Preparation of documents;
4. Approval of documents;
5. Request for consent;
6. Represent the person as an initiator;
7. The right to exercise powers on behalf of the company.

Process description

  1. Service requests
    The recipient of the service shall submit a mandate to the Construction State Control Office with a request to register it. Documents may be submitted in paper or electronically. In paper format, documents may be submitted on-the-spot in the proceedings of the Construction State Control Office or at a distance, using postal or courier services. When submitting paper, the applicant must add a cover letter and indicate the e-mail address to be used for receiving notifications. The power may be submitted electronically by electronic means via electronic mail. When submitting electronically, the applicant must provide the e-mail address to be used for receiving notifications.
    The authorisation may be reauthorized and revoked/revoked.

  2. Receipt of services
    The building board of the Construction State Control Office shall ensure the registration of the mandate and shall send a notification to the recipient of the service regarding the registration of the authorisation to the e-mail address. Upon receipt of the notification, the recipient of the service may start work on the Construction Information System using the E-service on the website.